Stranded Deep Wiki

Lusca the Great is one of the three bosses in Stranded Deep. It can only be found in a special boss area.


Lusca the Great is a giant aggressive squid, the biggest creature in the game and the strongest boss out of all three. It has 8 short arms and 2 long tentacles for attacking.

During a fight it can:

  • Inflict bleeding
  • Knock the player off their raft with a tentacle.
  • Drag the player around with its beak and arms

If the player successfully kills it, they will unlock 2 recipes that do not need any crafting materials to craft, but can only be made once: Lusca trophy and aircraft propeller part (The player can craft these a second or more times if the boss is re-beat).

Boss icon


It is found randomly in the world and there is only one!

Its special boss area is a single buoy with a long chain underwater. The player will find Lusca hugging the mentioned chain, waiting for action. While the player cannot know its exact location, it can be found in one of the ??? areas that are shown in the cartographer (example on the left side of the screen).


To have maximum chances of surviving and emerging victorious, the player MUST have:

- Refined spears for maximum damage (double damage compared to crude spears);

- Crude spears are a cheaper and a weaker alternative - they do as much as 1 speargun arrow;

- DO NOT use fishing spears - they have a much lower throwing range and inflict the least damage.

The player's damage will depend on their hunting skill, which will make easy and cheap work of The Great Abaia if at max level.

The most popular approach on Lusca is staying on a raft and always moving. It will lash the player with its tentacles after every hit, dealing a tiny amount of damage and almost always knocking the player off into the water. To avoid getting lashed, the player will need to move right after hitting the creature. It is more than likely that the player will run out of arrows or spears and will need to face the squid either with melee, or try to retrieve the spears to re-throw them. 3x3 - 5x4 rafts are highly recommended.

Avoid staying in open water! The player will quickly be devoured by the squid's beak.

The squid will non-stop circle the player's location, be it the buoy or the raft. If the player doesn't attack the squid, it will start lashing the player anyway and will likely grab them, inflicting bleeding.

It is highly recommended to bring shelves with containers on your raft for backup spears, bandages, food and arrows (+fuel if the player uses boat motor on their raft).



  • Lusca's buoy glows at night.
  • Lusca is the name of a cryptid/sea monster said to haunt the subaquatic sinkholes in the Bahamas. Its appearance varies between an octopus of gargantuan size and a shark/octopus hybrid.
  • The chain, if followed downwards, simply ends abruptly, far away from the bottom of the sea.
  • People like to call this boss Kraken, even though the Kraken is an octopus and not a squid.
  • Lusca will teleport back to the buoy and regenerate all health if the player moves too far away from the main area.
  • Theoretically, if the player is at hunting level 0, they would need exactly 50 crude spears (or speargun arrows) or 25 refined spears to beat Lusca.


  • If Lusca is triggered and the player descends near the bottom of the chain, the boss will break and infinitely circle the chain at a fixed Y axis, making it an extremely easy kill. Keep in mind it will un-bug itself if player ascends.